
The POSTER 2024 conference is approaching, featuring dozens of student projects

For students For employees

The Faculty of Electrical Engineering in Prague-Dejvice will host another year of the student scientific conference POSTER on Thursday 23 May. The event aims to enable university students to present their first research papers and develop professional contacts. An expert jury will also award the best papers in eight categories at the conference.

"Poster is a conference where students can experience the whole process of preparing a paper to preparing a poster and presenting it. This pedagogical aspect is therefore important for beginners in scientific circles,” said Dr. Libor Husník from the Department of Radioelectronics at FEE CTU on behalf of the organizing team. 

"Of course, it's also about meeting colleagues from similar and other fields so that they are not just in their own bubble. There's also a competition for the best poster presentation, with prizes. The evaluation, i.e. the debate with the evaluators, is also good feedback on their work," emphasized Dr. Husník. 

The jury will judge 50 papers this year, compared to 49 last year. Most, namely 11, papers are in the History of Science and Technology section, followed by Biomedical Engineering with nine papers and Natural Sciences with seven. There are six papers each in the Power Engineering, Electronics and Instrumentation categories, five in the Informatics and Cybernetics section, four papers fall under Management and two are on Communications. Details of the programme can be found on the website

According to Dr. Husník, in addition to students from FEE, the Faculty of Biomedical Engineering of CTU and the Faculty of Information Technology of CTU, as well as Charles University, UCT Prague, and from foreign universities, RWTH Aachen, TU Darmstadt and the University of Žilina are represented. This year the 28th edition of the conference will take place. 

Photos: Petr Neugebauer

Responsible person Ing. Mgr. Radovan Suk